Preschool education is not just about art, music, dance, fun and fantasy. A good preschool program ensures setting comprehensive learning objectives and having a structured way to achieve these goals in the child considering that every child is special, different and an individual in his/her own right. A quality preschool program revolves around the child.
- the philosophy
- the curriculum and methodology
- the learning tools offered to the child
- the teachers who facilitate learning
We are tightly integrating these 4 components in a way that will have the most beneficial impact on the
of the child. The core philosophy inspired by the Montessori method
drives the curriculum, the curriculum is the foundation for the tools /
materials used in the preschool. Each material has been designed
and manufactured keeping in mind the curriculum objectives and the
philosophy. The teachers have been trained intensively on the
philosophy, curriculum and the materials. So all the 4 components are
interwoven and this results in an Early Learning program that will aid
in building adults who are not only academically equipped, but also
socially adept & clear thinking individuals.